Dakota will be safe. After all, he'll be married, and as psychotic as he sometimes talks, he doesn't have a history of cheating on his beards wives.
But, who knows how long this marriage will last. His next target could well be Miss Fanning, once he's used up Katie, and needs someone new to make him look human.
Mission Statement: Our ultimate mission is to save Dakota Fanning from the clutches of Mr. Icky Cruise. To do this, we plan to display Mr. Icky Cruise's character, as we see it (aka our opinion, do not sue), for all who care to look, to see.
Who is that beside Tom? It looks nothing like Katie and is about 6 inches too tall.
Anonymous, at 2:58 PM
You know, it kind of looks like man.
Save Dakota Fanning!, at 3:41 PM
Dakota will be safe. After all, he'll be married, and as psychotic as he sometimes talks, he doesn't have a history of cheating on his beards wives.
But, who knows how long this marriage will last. His next target could well be Miss Fanning, once he's used up Katie, and needs someone new to make him look human.
Anonymous, at 7:41 AM
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