i dont know how i got here but i was watching e! news and they showed katie holmes shopping...with a pillow as a belly!!! and no one said anything!! i thought 'man, that looks as fake as a tv pregnancy'...anyway, there's something very weird about that 'romance'...bye
Mission Statement: Our ultimate mission is to save Dakota Fanning from the clutches of Mr. Icky Cruise. To do this, we plan to display Mr. Icky Cruise's character, as we see it (aka our opinion, do not sue), for all who care to look, to see.
i dont know how i got here but i was watching e! news and they showed katie holmes shopping...with a pillow as a belly!!! and no one said anything!! i thought 'man, that looks as fake as a tv pregnancy'...anyway, there's something very weird about that 'romance'...bye
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM
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